
Since the alignment greatly affects car balance and overall performance during a race, accurate and easy to use measurement equipment is essential. It helps if the setup time is short, as well.

Recognising the need for a more efficient and precise toe measurement method, the idea for ToeGauge was born. Our goal was to create a system that not only meets the highest standards of accuracy but also simplifies the measurement process.

ToeGauge mounted on the vehicle - motorsport wheel alignment and toe measurement equipment

ToeGauge uses innovative methods to calculate toe. Combining those methods with advanced sensors allows us to achieve unparalleled accuracy. With a measurement tolerance of less than 0.5 angular minutes (0.0083°), this system surpasses any current market offerings.

The system is fully automated – our sensors do all of the work for you. The result is a lot faster and easier to use measurement equipment, while the possibility of human error is completely removed.

ToeGuage is a portable system designed to be used both at the workshop and track side during the race weekend. Most importantly, it will save time – every time.

ToeGauge mounted on the vehicle - high precission motorsport wheel alignment and toe measurement equipment

ToeGauge is still in the development phase.

More information is coming soon.
*Images show a prototype of alignment wheels, not the ToeGauge system since the system is still in development.